Sungenie System FAQS


We appreciate your understanding as we navigate the challenges following Sunverge’s liquidation. We recognise this situation is unsettling, and addressing your concerns is our top priority. Unfortunately, due to this liquidation, Vector has made the decision to discontinue the SunGenie solar programme. 

After a thorough investigation of options, we found no ‘like for like’ alternative to meet our commitments under the programme. Your monthly payments to Vector were suspended as soon as we learned of Sunverge’s liquidation (the billing period ending 31 May 2024). We note that this initiative was set up as a trial, and Vector invested heavily in the systems and resources outlined in the  agreement. 

Below are FAQs to help address your questions and concerns regarding this transition.

General Information

Why did Sunverge go into liquidation, and how does it affect my SunGenie system?
We were told that Sunverge went into liquidation due to financial difficulties that made it unsustainable for them to continue to operate. This liquidation impacts software needed for the monitoring and safe operation of your SunGenie system. 
Why has it taken since June for you to come back with options for the SunGenie system?
We have actively been exploring several possibilities, including solutions from overseas. There are a range of factors to consider including safety and interoperability with the existing equipment.  
Could you advise which other options you explored and why they weren’t included as an alternative?
We reviewed and evaluated several alternatives, including approaching the liquidators to grant access the software needed to safely operate and monitor the system, but this is not possible.  We have considered alternative control systems for the SunGenie system, from different manufacturers. To ensure safe and effective operation we want to ensure any alternative system provides visibility to any alarm notifications and allows the entire system to be monitored. 
What are my options for the SunGenie system now?

Given the unfortunate situation regarding the liquidation of Sunverge, and the lack of viable alternatives, Vector is terminating the SunGenie solar programme and is providing the following options to customers: 

Option 1: Vector removes the entire system (as envisaged by the original agreement between us) 

Option 2: You keep the solar panels (Vector removes the cabinet (inverter & battery), ownership of the solar panels transfers to you on an “as is, where is” basis)  

Option 3: Pause making a decision while we complete testing (we are testing an alternative monitoring and control system which could mean you are able to keep the inverter, solar panels and battery). This does not commit you to choosing this option as options 1 & 2 remain available for you. 

Why can’t you continue supporting my SunGenie system?
We understand that this situation will have been frustrating for you. With Sunverge’s liquidation, we no longer have access to the software needed to safely operate and monitor the system.   
What would have happened with my contract if Sunverge didn’t go into liquidation?
Vector would have continued the programme until the end of your contract and then removed the equipment at our expense as described in our contract. We didn’t seek to end the SunGenie programme early prior to the liquidation and are also disappointed it has come to this. Our primary focus has been to assist you with providing a range of options. 
How does terminating the contract affect my energy savings?
If you choose to take ownership of the solar panels and purchase new equipment from a solar provider you can continue to generate energy and potentially save on your energy bills, depending on your use.  
What will happen to the equipment after it’s removed?
The equipment will be recycled where practicable, including the battery.  
Can I install a different type of solar system instead?
Yes, you are welcome to explore other solar solutions. This will be at your cost. If you choose to remove the entire SunGenie system or retain the solar panels, you can replace the equipment with a different solar setup of your choosing outside of this arrangement. Please discuss this directly with a solar provider of your choice.   
How do I decide which option is best for me?
You will need to assess your requirements and energy usage with other solar providers and weigh up the costs vs benefits.  
What should I do if I need help deciding or have more questions?

Please contact us on or 0800 70 70 30 to discuss the differences between the options. 

If you have specific questions about the replacement equipment, reach out to solar providers directly. 

SunGenie option comparison table

Option 1: Vector removes the entire system

What happens if I choose to remove the entire system?
We will terminate your contract; no further monthly fees would be payable, and Vector will get a technician to contact you to arrange a suitable time for your SunGenie system to be removed. You will also need to sign an acceptance letter which outlines the terms and conditions of this option.
What does removing the complete system mean for me?
The solar panels, cabinet (inverter and battery) will be removed from your property.
Will I need to pay anything if I choose to remove the complete system?
No, you do not need to pay for any of the removal costs if you chose to remove the complete system.
What is the termination refund?
You may be entitled to a termination refund if described in your contract, Part B clause 6.8. As Vector is ending the Solar Programme early, Vector will refund you according to the contract. We have stopped your monthly fees and as the services have not been available to you the remaining months left on your contract will calculated from 1 June 2024.
How long will it take to receive the Termination Refund from Vector?
We will ask you to confirm your bank account details in your Option 1 Acceptance Letter. Following receipt of a signed acceptance letter, we will direct credit the Termination Refund and Additional Contribution to your chosen account within 4 weeks.
How long will the removal process take?
Once you have a booked in a suitable time for the removal of your system, the removal would take approximately one day. You would need to be home during this time to provide access to your property. Removal is weather dependent due to roof access, and appointments may need to be rescheduled if there is bad weather.
How long will it take until the system is removed?
There are a number of other customers who are also affected, we will contact you to schedule a suitable time for removal which could take place in 1-3 months’ time depending on technician availability and the weather.
What will the condition of my roof be once the system has been removed?
  • For a corrugated iron roof, the rubber boot will be replaced with a blank one and then sealed.

  • For a concrete tile roof, the notched tiles will be replaced but may not be colour matched.

  • Conduits will be removed and switchboards returned to their previous state.

  • The SunGenie RJ45 (ethernet) socket near the modem can be replaced with a blank plate or left as-is.

  • Small holes will be patched or filled but not painted. Larger holes that can’t be patched or filled will be sealed and covered with a donbox.

  • Where applicable, additional work not covered by the above (e.g painting) will need to be arranged by you.

When will the technician get in touch to remove the system from my house?
After you have confirmed that you wish to have the complete system removed, you will be contacted to schedule a suitable time for removal which could take place in 1-3 months’ time depending on technician availability and the weather.
What will happen to the removed system components?
The equipment will be recycled as much as possible, including the battery.

Option 2: You keep the solar panels

What does keeping the solar panels involve?
Our field service provider would visit and remove the cabinet, including the inverter and battery. The solar panels and wiring will be left so you can replace the equipment when you’re ready.

You will also need to sign an acceptance letter which outlines the terms and conditions of this option. The letter transfers ownership and risk of the products on an ‘as is, where is’ basis in full and final settlement, in accordance with the terms of that letter.  These include that the transfer will be without warranties, guarantees or assurances, in particular given the equipment has been in service at customers’ property since the beginning of the SunGenie programme.

We suggest you speak to the new solar provider regarding provision of maintenance and spare parts support.
Can I replace the removed components (inverter, battery) with newer technology?
Yes, you can choose replacement components that suit your needs. While we have provided some indicative pricing from a few solar providers (see Solar provider’s alternative equipment and installation price estimates) , you are welcome to engage with any solar provider of your choice. 
Will I still be able to generate solar energy if I choose to keep the solar panels?

If you choose to keep the solar panels, Vector will leave them on your roof and we will transfer ownership to you on an ‘as is, where is’ basis on the terms set out in the Option 2 Acceptance Letter. However, to generate solar energy, at a minimum you’ll need an inverter which you need to arrange separately. If you’d like to store the energy for use when the solar panels aren’t generating, such as night-time, you might want to consider a battery as well.

How long is the warranty on the solar panels?
The solar panels are manufactured by TrinaSolar.  TrinaSolar provides a 25-year linear power warranty from the date they were installed, which Vector does not manage. If you have any ongoing questions related to the solar panels you will need to approach TrinaSolar directly.
Can I choose the brand or model of the replacement inverter or battery?

Yes, you can choose your own supplier and model of replacement inverter or battery to suit your needs.

If I choose to install alternative equipment, will Vector assist with the installation and setup?
No, Vector won’t be involved in the installation and set-up as once ownership of the solar panels is transferred to you, the solar panels will be your property and responsibility. The solar provider you approach would handle the installation and setup for you. We have provided some indicative pricing from a few solar providers (see Solar provider’s alternative equipment and installation price estimates); you are welcome to engage with any solar provider of your choice.
What happens if the new equipment I purchase doesn’t integrate well with the existing solar panels?
A site visit may be required by the solar provider to verify your choice of equipment is suitable.  The solar provider will be best placed to talk through any concerns regarding integration.
What is the cost to me if I choose to keep the solar panels?
There is no cost to choose to keep the solar panels, but you will be accepting them on an ‘as is where is’ basis. Full terms and conditions will be outlined in our Option 2 Acceptance Letter which you will need to sign if you choose to keep the solar panels. Vector will be responsible for the removal costs of the cabinet (inverter and battery) and will provide a refund for ending our programme early (if described in your contract). You will need to pay the costs of replacement equipment, which will depend on your personal preference. We have provided some indicative pricing from a few solar providers (see Solar provider’s alternative equipment and installation price estimates). Under the Option 2 (you choose to keep the solar panels), Vector will also contribute an additional $350.
What is the Termination Refund?
You may be entitled to a termination refund if described in your contract, Part B clause 6.8. As Vector is ending the Solar Programme early, Vector will refund you according to the contract. We have stopped your monthly fees and as the services have not been available to you the remaining months left on your contract will be calculated from 1 June 2024.
When and how will I get the Termination Refund and Additional Contribution from Vector?
We will ask you to confirm your bank account details in your Option 2 Acceptance Letter.  Following receipt of a signed acceptance letter, we will direct credit the Termination Refund and Additional Contribution to your chosen account within 4 weeks.
Why is Vector giving an additional contribution if I wish to keep my solar panels?
We acknowledge this has been an unfortunate situation and, while the contract does not outline any contribution beyond the Termination Refund, we would like to offer something towards the cost of replacement equipment if you wish to keep your solar panels.
What happens to my contract with Vector if I choose this option?
We are unable to continue to provide solar services, so we are terminating your contract. No further monthly fees will be payable, and Vector will transfer ownership of the solar panels to you on an as is, where is basis. You would own the solar panels and be responsible for maintaining these; the full terms and conditions will be outlined in the Option 2 acceptance letter.
Will I need to sign a new contract for the replacement system or any ongoing maintenance?
You will need to approach a solar provider and discuss this with them.

Option 3: Pause making a decision while we complete testing

What does this option mean?
We are actively exploring alternative monitoring and control system to replace the Sunverge monitoring and control system. The alternative system requires ordering necessary parts and thoroughly testing their viability when integrated into the existing system. We are working to determine how closely the alternative system can replicate the operational functionality provided by the Sunverge system and can do so safely.  If a viable solution is confirmed, Vector will transfer ownership of the entire SunGenie system to you, on an “as is, where is” basis, also in full and final settlement, and you will need to fund the supply and installation of the alternative monitoring and control system. If the solution is not viable, you will be able to choose between Option 1 – Vector removes the entire system or Option 2 – you keep the solar panels.
What does an alternative control system do?
The alternative control system is responsible for safety and operation of the SunGenie system. It monitors and controls the battery state of charge and solar generation, as well as detecting any errors with the system.
Why do I have to wait and how long will it take?
We need time to test the alternative control system, to make sure it has a similar level of monitoring and control to allow you to safely operate your SunGenie system. We anticipate the testing could take 6-8 weeks to complete. If you choose this option, we will contact you again once we know the results. 
What happens if I choose this option and it doesn’t work out?
If the testing determines that this option is not viable, you can still choose Option 1 – Vector removes the entire system Option 2 – you keep the solar panels.
What are the pros and cons of this option?
If this option is viable, then you can continue to benefit from the solar generation provided by your SunGenie system. You will need to pay for any parts and installation, but we anticipate this will be less cost than keeping the solar panels and purchasing a new inverter. As Vector will transfer ownership of the entire SunGenie system to you, you will be responsible for any ongoing maintenance.
If an alternative control system is viable, what are the costs involved in having this installed and when will ownership of the system be transferred to me?
At this stage we anticipate the cost to be less than $4000, including parts and installation. We will be confirming the cost during the testing phase.

You will also need to sign an Acceptance Letter which outlines the terms and conditions of this Option. The letter accepts ownership and risk transfer of the products on an ‘as is, where is’ basis in full and final settlement, in accordance with the terms of that letter.  These include that the transfer will be without warranties, guarantees or assurances, in particular given the equipment has been in service since the beginning of the SunGenie programme.
Do the alternative control systems give the same level of functionality and control that my SunGenie system had when it was working?
Thorough testing is required to ensure the alternative control system gives customers the same level of functionality and control as your SunGenie system had when it was working; Vector will no longer have remote access to your system We will be able to confirm if this option is viable in approximately 6-8 weeks once testing is completed.  

Solar provider’s alternative equipment and installation price estimates

The below list of solar providers, alternative equipment and installation price estimates is provided to help you make an informed decision. You can approach any solar provider of your choice, not just the ones listed below.

Prices below are illustrative only and are based on estimates provided to us.  (For example, we have been advised that prices can vary depending on how many levels your house has, roof materials, whether any additional cabling or access equipment is required, etc.) To confirm an actual quote, you will need to contact a solar provider and arrange a site visit to assess your property and condition of your solar panels.