vector's network connection standard - connected electric vehicle chargers for safe and compliant charging

Vector requires all Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers installed on the Vector Electricity Network to comply with Standards New Zealand (SNZ) for safe and effective residential and commercial charging; SNZ PAS 6011:2021 and SNZ PAS 6010:2021, respectively. These standards provide guidance on the safe installation of smart home chargers. In addition, a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) must be issued to Vector. Compliance with these standards also ensures that customers will be able to benefit from load management, should it become available to them in future. 

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) chargers need to comply with the above standards, and also with Vector’s distributed power generation requirements (refer to Section 5.12, ESA002) to ensure public safety and quality of supply. This is because V2G involves bidirectional electricity flow (i.e electricity flowing both ways between Vector’s network and the customer),To ensure the safety and effectiveness of Vector's electricity network, a copy of the CoC, including the ICP number (unique installation control point number), must be provided as soon as possible after installation to by either the installer or customer. The CoC helps Vector manage its network more efficiently.

This Network Connection Standard is effective from 1 April 2023

useful links 

Electricity connection standard  
EECA smart charger approved list - click for list of residential and commercial electric vehicle chargers that are approved by EECA based on efficiency and smartness

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