Refreshing our new energy future

Media Releases

Several years ago Vector committed to creating a new energy future. We’ve made good progress but as the new energy future takes shape both here and around the world, it’s time to refresh how we present this vision to our customers, stakeholders and communities.

We’re refreshing our logo to reflect our commitment to the new energy future. The new energy future is about sharing energy, not just transmitting it. It’s about community, not control. It’s about energy beyond electricity.

We’re not changing what we believe in. Our mission stays the same, and accordingly we will not be spending up large to get eyeballs on our refreshed logo. Like everything we do, we will do this at the right time and in a way that makes sense for our customers, stakeholders and communities.

Over time we will replace and update all the places our old logo appears. We don’t mind this taking a while.

We’re creating a new energy future. We hope that our new visual identity, encapsulated in our refreshed logo, will help others see how we’re doing this.