So far, the Urban Forest has planted 31,000 trees in the Puhinui catchment, stretching from Totara Park to the Puhinui Reserve. This catchment is one of the most significant tributaries of the Manukau Harbour, impacting both environmental and social outcomes, flowing through farmland, reserve, industrial areas, communities, and the Manukau town centre. Planting in the Puhinui catchment is helping to improve water quality, reduce tree inequality, and increase the visual amenity of the area.
About the Puhinui planting area
The reserve is a diverse ecological area that protects a variety of ecosystems and habitats, including the Puhinui Stream that runs through the reserve which is an important spawning area for inanga or whitebait.
We have planted a range of native trees, shrubs and grasses, helping to remove sediment and excess nutrients, reduce erosion, provide shade, shelter and habitat to birds and stream organisms, as well as capture carbon dioxide, which contributes in the ongoing battle against climate change.
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About the Totara park planting area
Totara Park is at the headwaters of the Puhinui Stream, in the same catchment as our launch planting event. The local mountain bike club is building tracks through the area which we have planted around, meaning our Urban Forest is helping to achieve both recreational and environmental outcomes in the area.